Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Irbid Ring Road (Phase I)
Loan No: 642 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: Ministry of Public Works and Housing Grace Period: 7 years
Project Cost: KD 49.6 million Maturity: 30 years
Amount of Loan: KD 15.0 million Repayment: 47 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: 2017-04-18 First Installment: 7 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 2017-04-18 Date of Loan Effectiveness: 2017-07-16


The project aims at improving land transportation services on the road network in Irbid greater city and the surrounding areas. The project also aims at accommodating and diverting part of the increasing traffic within the city of Irbid and the traffic transiting through it, in addition to reducing traffic congestion and accidents.


The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2020, constitutes the first phase of the Irbid ring road, and includes the parts located on the west side of the city of Irbid, with a total length of about 29 km. The project consists of the following main components:

  1. Road Construction:This comprises the civil works related to the construction of the road, including earthworks, pavement layers, interchanges, bridges and tunnels at the intersections with the secondary roads, in addition to services networks, road lighting, and all necessary complementary works. The first phase of the project consists of two sections, as follows:
    1. First Section:This includes the part extending from the intersection of Um al Jadayil road in the North to the intersection of Al-Husun road in the South, with a length of about 17.6 km.
    2. Second Section:This section consists of two parts with a total length of about 11.5 km. The first part, with a total length of about 5.9 km, connects Um Qais road to the starting point of the first section at the intersection of Um al Jadayil road. The second part, with a total length of about 5.6 km, connects the end of the first section to the intersection of Amman road.
  2. Consultancy Services:This includes the consultancy services required for the project studies, design and tender documents, in addition to the project management and the supervision of the works.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 30% of the total project cost. The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development contributed to the financing of the project with a grant equivalent to about KD 20 million (41%). The Jordanian Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.