Loan No: | 520 | Interest Rate: | 3.0 % |
Beneficiary: | Aden Governorate | Grace Period: | 5 years |
Project Cost: | KD 12.8 million | Maturity: | 25 years |
Amount of Loan: | KD 10.0 million | Repayment: | 41 semi-annual installments |
Date of Board Approval: | - | First Installment: | 5 years following the first disbursement |
Date of Loan Agreement: | 2008-03-30 | Date of Loan Effectiveness: | 2008-05-28 |
The project aims at contributing to the economic and social development in the Governorate of Aden through enhancing the road infrastructure network and improving transportation services, in addition to linking the internal and coastal districts of the Governorate.
The project, which is expected to be completed during the third quarter of 2010, involves all necessary civil works to widen and rehabilitate the existing 8 km long coastal road. The project also includes the construction of two bridges and a cloverleaf interchange, the provision of the necessary consultancy services and institutional support. The project consists of the following major components:
- Execution of Works:This includes the following works:
- The Coastal Road:This includes all civil works needed to widen and rehabilitate the coastal road connecting Kormaksser and Almansora in Aden Governorate. The road has a total length of about 8 km and will consist of 8 travelling lanes, 4 in each direction with 3.6 m width for each lane, 2.5m shoulders on each side, in addition to concrete structures, storm drainage network and all ancillary works.
- Cloverleaf Interchange:This includes all civil works necessary to construct two bridges with 3 lanes each, and a cloverleaf interchange at the Caltex intersection. It also includes excavation, backfilling, concrete structures, asphalting and all ancillary works needed to ensure traffic safety.
- Consultancy Services:This includes the provision of the necessary consultancy services required for preparing design drawings, tender documents and design review, as well as assisting in the qualification of contractors, analyzing submitted bids and project supervision.
- Institutional Support:This includes providing the Aden Governorate with computers and the required equipment to conduct the necessary maintenance of the project.
The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 78.1% of the total project cost. The Government of Yemen will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.