Loan No: | 517 | Interest Rate: | 4.5 % |
Beneficiary: | Ministry of Territorial Development, Water and Environment | Grace Period: | 6 years |
Project Cost: | KD 40.0 million | Maturity: | 22 years |
Amount of Loan: | KD 23.0 million | Repayment: | 33 semi-annual installments |
Date of Board Approval: | - | First Installment: | 6 years following the first disbursement |
Date of Loan Agreement: | 2008-01-17 | Date of Loan Effectiveness: | 2008-02-06 |
The project aims at providing additional water to eliminate the deficit in drinking water, and to satisfy future water demand in the city of Tetouan and its neighbouring areas through the construction of a dam to regulate the water of Wadi Mohjerat, one of the main tributaries of Wadi Martil. The project also aims at irrigating part of the agricultural land downstream of the dam, and at protecting the city of Tetouan from floods.
The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2011, consists of the following two major components: (1) construction of Wadi Martil dam and its appurtenant structures on Wadi Mohjerat in a location 15 km southwest of the city of Tetouan, and (2) drinking water structures to convey and treat the additional quantities of water from the dam. The following is a description of these components:
- Construction of Wadi Martil Dam:This includes the construction of a concrete face fill dam and its appurtenant structures on Wadi Mohjerat, and the construction of an earth fill secondary dam to close a depression on the right bank of the wadi. The dam will be 100 m high, 600 m long with a crest width of 8 m and the secondary dam will be 50 m high, 850 m long with a crest width of 8 m. The appurtenant structures include the spillway, water intakes and bottom outlet located within a concrete tower. The dam will impound a reservoir with gross storage capacity of 120 million m3, and it will regulate annually about 50 million m3 of water.The construction of the dam includes the following major works:
- Civil Works:This includes excavation, grouting, concrete and fill works required for the construction of the main dam and its appurtenant structures, as well as the secondary dam. It also includes all preparatory works and site installations necessary for the construction of the dam and its associated structures.
- Hydro-Mechanical Works:This includes the supply and installation of gates, pipes, valves and related equipment to control water in the spillway, bottom outlet and water intakes. It also includes all electrical and mechanical equipment required for the operation of the dam.
- Technical Services:This includes the consultancy services required to prepare the construction designs and drawings, supervision of the dam construction, as well as the services of international experts to review the studies and designs of the dam.
- Land Expropriation:This includes land acquisition, compensation for properties and resettlement of the inhabitants affected by the construction of the dam.
- Project Management:This includes the services of the project management unit, which will be responsible for the administration of the construction of the dam.
- Drinking Water Structures:This includes the construction of structures necessary to convey, pump and treat the water from the dam, and comprises the following:
- Pumping Station:This includes the construction of a 1.5 m3/s pumping station with a rated head of 85 m, and the supply of electricity and all electromechanical and electrical equipment necessary for the operation of the station
- Water Conveyor:This includes the construction of a 17 km pipeline with diameters ranging between 800 and 1400 mm, and the furnishing and installation of valves and all accessories necessary for the operation of the conveyor.
- Expansion of Toreta Water Treatment Plant:This includes civil, hydro-mechanical and electrical works necessary to upgrade the existing capacity of the plant from 500 to 1000 l/s
- Technical Services:This includes the consultancy services required to prepare the detailed studies and design, tender documents, and construction supervision of the drinking water works.
The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 57.5% of the total project cost. The Moroccan Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise