Republic of Yemen

Taez International Airport Development
Loan No: 533 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: Civil Aviation & Meteorology Authority
Project Cost: KD 14.4 million Maturity: 25 years
Amount of Loan: KD 7.0 million Repayment: 41 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: - First Installment: 5 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 2009-04-15 Date of Loan Effectiveness: 2009-04-06


The project aims at upgrading the services provided by Taez Airport, by adding international flights and night operations to enhance air transport services in the country, and to attract more tourists and investors.


This project constitutes the first phase of upgrading Taez airport, which consists of the construction of a new runway based on international standards, able to receive large-size planes. The length of the runway is 4000 m and its width is 45 m, with 10.5 m wide shoulders on each side, along with a safety area 150 m wide and a free zone area 240 m wide. The works also consist of the construction of ancillary buildings such as a control tower, a technical building, a fire fighting building and an electrical station. The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of  2011, also includes of  all necessary engineering services required for the construction. The main components of the project can be summarized as follows:

  1. Airfield: This consists of site preparation and all structural and electrical works for the runway, which include excavation and back filling works, runway layers, runway markings, lighting and all other ancillary services.  
  2. Buildings: This includes the construction of a control tower with a total area of 86 m2, along with a technical building attached to it with a total area of about 1670 m2 and which incorporates the administration, the operating units and the technical equipments. This also includes, in addition to the electrical station, the construction of a fire fighting building, a maintenance building, a cafeteria and a mosque. The total area of these buildings is about 1700 m2. 
  3. Consultancy Services: This includes the consultancy services required for preparing design drawings, specifications and tender documents, as well as assisting the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority in the qualification of contractors, bid evaluation and project supervision.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 70.0% of the total project cost. The Government of Yemen will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.