Republic of Yemen

Rehabilitation and Expansion of Sana'a – Al Hudaydah Road
Loan No: 597 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: Ministry of Public Works and Highways Grace Period: 5 years
Project Cost: KD 104.1 million Maturity: 25 years
Amount of Loan: KD 30.0 million Repayment: 41 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: - First Installment: 5 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 1900-01-01 Date of Loan Effectiveness: -


The project aims at developing transport between the capital Sana’a and the country’s main port in Al Hudaydah, by rehabilitating and expanding the road that links the two cities. This will reduce bottlenecks, accommodate the increasing traffic and allow for safer travel on this road, which is the main one in the national road network.


The project, which is expected to be completed at the end of the first quarter of 2016, includes the necessary works to rehabilitate and expand part of the road that stretches between the capital Sana’a and Al Hudaydah port. These works include digging, paving, bridge construction, protection works and traffic safety works. The length of the road subject to the works is about 139 km, and has been divided into two sections for design and implementation purposes. The first section stretches from Al Masajid area to Manakhah and is about 70 km long. The second section stretches from Manakhah to the Bajil – Al Sharq intersection, and is approximately 69 km long. The project also includes a diversion of about 14.6 km in Manakhah and the construction of a tunnel, around 70 km from the capital. In addition, the project includes the necessary technical services and expertise for the supervision of the works, and training of the local cadre. The main components of the project can be summarized as follows:

  1. Road Rehabilitation and Expansion: This includes implementation of all the works related to the rehabilitation and expansion of part of the road, to create two lanes, each with a width of 7.5 m, and two shoulders, each with a width of 2.4 m. Works also include drilling, backfilling, pavements and asphalt paving. This component also includes construction of a number of new bridges, expansion of existing ones, rainwater drainage and retaining walls, as well as traffic safety works 
  2. Creating a Diversion in Manakhah and Construction of a Tunnel: This includes the necessary works to divert part of the road in the mountain region of Manakhah which has a length of approximately 10 km, and construct a tunnel with a length of approximately 4.6 km. 
  3. Technical Services: This includes the necessary consultancy services to supervise the rehabilitation and expansion of the road, the assistance of experts, when necessary, to help supervise the project execution, as well as the training of the local cadre.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 29% of the total project cost. The Central Bank of Yemen will also contribute to the financing of the project with an amount equivalent to about KD 64.3 million (about 62% of the total cost). The Yemeni Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.