Republic of Yemen

Infrastructure Development in Sana'a City
Loan No: 606 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: Municipality of Sana'a Grace Period: 6 years
Project Cost: KD 37.1 million Maturity: 19 years
Amount of Loan: KD 30.0 million Repayment: 39 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: 2014-04-08 First Installment: 6 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 2014-04-08 Date of Loan Effectiveness: 2014-06-22


The project aims at improving the efficiency of the main road network, minimizing traffic congestion, and protecting the population, buildings, shops and existing infrastructure from potential damage caused by the floods in different parts of the capital Sana’a. This will be accomplished through the construction of the necessary facilities for main road intersections and storm water drainage in the city of Sana’a.


The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2017, comprises two main parts, the first constitutes the fourth stage of the main road intersections while the second includes the works of flood protection in different parts of Sana’a. The project also includes the provision of technical services and institutional support. The project includes the following components:

  1. Main Intersections Works: This part includes all civil works required to construct bridges and tunnels at four intersections: 50th street with Shahran street, 60th street with Taiz street, 40th street with May 22nd street, and 60th street with Faj Attan street. It also includes the construction of a branch bridge at the intersection of 50th street with October 14th street, and three tunnels at the following intersections: 60th street with Al-Anab Valley street, 60th street with Al-Nahda street, and 60th street with Al-Rabat street, in addition to all necessary auxiliary works such as water drainage, electrical lighting, signals and traffic signs, as well as the extension and relocation of the utility networks affected by the works.
  2. Flood Protection Works: This includes the extension of the main open channel for water drainage, known as Al-Saylah, located in the northern part of the city of Sana’a, with a length of about 9,500 m and a width ranging between 20 m and 24 m, and the construction of about 24 pedestrian bridges and two vehicle bridges. It also includes the installation of a main sewer line of about 4,000 m in length with a 1.5 m diameter, the landscaping works (sidewalks, planting, lighting, traffic signs and signals), and all other necessary auxiliary works related to the main channel and its branches, in addition to all services related to these works.
  3. Technical Services: This includes the technical services required for the preparation of technical studies, the review and update of the design and tender documents, the analysis of bids and the supervision of the project. It also includes the acquisition of machinery and equipment required for the operation and maintenance of the facilities, and the implementation of a training program for local staff working in the areas of roads, bridges and flood protection in Sana’a.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 81% of the total project cost. The Yemeni Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.