Republic of Lebanon

Development of Main Roads (Pa and Zouk Mosbeh – Jeita Road)
Loan No: 654 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: Council for Development and Reconstruction Grace Period: 7 years
Project Cost: KD 74.9 million Maturity: 30 years
Amount of Loan: KD 56.0 million Repayment: 47 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: 2018-09-04 First Installment: 7 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 2018-04-10 Date of Loan Effectiveness: -


The project aims at improving land transportation services on the main corridors of the road network in Lebanon to accommodate the rapid increase in road traffic and reduce traffic accidents. The project also aims at contributing to the economic and social development of the regions that the project passes through in the North, Akkar and Mount Lebanon governorates.


The project, which is expected to be completed by the middle of 2023, consists of two main components as follows:

  1. Pan Arab Northern Motorway:This includes the construction of the Pan Arab Northern Motorway, which is located in the North and Akkar governorates and links the Tripoli Eastern Ring Road with the Syrian border. The motorway extends from Beddawi to Abboudieh with a length of about 30.5 km, and consists of 4 lanes, 2 in each direction, in addition to a service lane on each side of the motorway. Along the motorway there are 2 bridges, one over Al Bared river and the other over Aarqa river, in addition to 2 interchanges and several overpasses and underpasses to connect the motorway to the adjacent towns and villages. This component includes the following:
  1. Civil Works:This includes preliminary works, earthworks, pavement works, and structural works for bridges, interchanges, overpasses, underpasses, and water drainage culverts. It also includes ancillary works, such as utility networks and traffic safety works.
  2. Consultancy Services:This includes the provision of the consultancy services required for completing the preparation of studies, designs and tender documents, as well as assistance in tender evaluation and construction supervision.
  • Zouk Mosbeh – Jeita Road:This includes the construction of a new section of Keserwan main road which is located in Mount Lebanon governorate. The new section extends between Zouk Mosbeh and Jeita area, with a length of about 4.0 km, and consists of 4 lanes, 2 in each direction, and includes bridges, tunnels and appropriate entrances to Louaize School and University. In addition, about 1.0 km of the existing road is to be rehabilitated and upgraded. This component includes the following:
    1. Civil Works:This includes preliminary works, earthworks, pavement works, and structural works for bridges, tunnels, and water drainage culverts. It also includes ancillary works such as utility networks, road lighting, landscaping, and traffic safety works.
    2. Consultancy Services: This includes the provision of the consultancy services required for completing the preparation of studies, designs and tender documents, as well as assistance in tender evaluation and construction supervision.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 75% of the total project cost. The Lebanese Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.