Republic of Yemen

Educational Hospital for Aden University
Loan No: 596 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: Aden University Grace Period: 5 years
Project Cost: KD 21.0 million Maturity: 25 years
Amount of Loan: KD 18.0 million Repayment: 41 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: - First Installment: 5 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 2013-07-11 Date of Loan Effectiveness: 2013-12-29


The project aims at supporting the health system in the Governorate of Aden, and improving its health services. In addition, the project aims at improving qualifications of students of the medical colleges, and supporting medical research at the university.


The project will help improve health services and raise the capabilities of medical students at Aden University, through the construction of an educational hospital with a capacity of about 400 beds. The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2016, consists of the following main components:

  1. Hospital Construction and Equipment:
    1. Central Control Center (CCC): Buildings needed for health services, education and housing of employees, with all the required electrical and mechanical works.
    2. Local Control Towers (LCT): General site works related to roads, parkings, electricity, communication, water, wastewater, waste treatment, and all other auxiliary works. .
    3. Telecommunications System: Equipment, that includes medical and non-medical equipment, and furniture. .
  2. Technical Services: These include the consultancy services needed to supervise the implementation of the project, the use of expert services to help the project implementation unit, in addition to training of local employees.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 86% of the total project cost. The Yemeni Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.