Loan No: | 600 | Interest Rate: | 3.0 % |
Beneficiary: | Council for Development and Reconstruction | Grace Period: | 5 years |
Project Cost: | KD 49.1 million | Maturity: | 22 years |
Amount of Loan: | KD 30.0 million | Repayment: | 35 semi-annual installments |
Date of Board Approval: | - | First Installment: | 5 years following the first disbursement |
Date of Loan Agreement: | 2014-05-11 | Date of Loan Effectiveness: | - |
The project aims at meeting the increasing demand for wastewater services in the Abda – Akkar Basin, Central and Northern Bekaa and Echouf. The project also aims at controlling the arbitrary disposal of wastewater that flows from cesspits and open channels into streams, rivers and coastal waters, thus protecting sources of groundwater, surface water and beaches from pollution.
The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2018, includes the construction or completion of wastewater collection networks consisting of main, secondary, sub and side pipelines, as well as house connections and pumping stations which will serve to collect the wastewater from towns and villages within the project area and transfer it to the existing treatment plants or to the ones that will be constructed within this project to treat the wastewater before it is disposed of. The project also includes provision of the necessary consultancy services to update and complete studies on some sub projects, preparation of their engineering designs and tender documents, supervision of the project implementation, as well as preparation of any necessary additional studies required to fulfill the project’s objectives, and provision of institutional support to the Council. The project includes the following main components:
- The Main Works (Networks and Stations):
- Completion of the Sub Project in the Abda – Akkar Basin: The wastewater works required for the Abda – Akkar Basin were divided into three stages, that is, Coast 1, 2 and 3, which cover about 80 towns and villages. The sub project for this area is limited to the completion of the first stage (Coast 1) which will be partially financed through the Arab Fund’s loan No. 496/2006. This component consists of constructing the collection pipelines, the house connections and the main manholes, as well as diverting the primary treatment plant in Abda to the secondary treatment plant, and providing it with all the necessary equipment, with the possibility of expanding it in the future to meet the needs of the three stages.
- Sub Project in Central and Northern Bekaa: This sub project serves several towns and villages of Central and Northern Bekaa which lie along the Litani River in the area confined between the north of Zahleh and the south of Baalbek. This sub project consists of the collection network, the house connections and a secondary treatment plant.
- Completion of the Sub Project in the Coast of Echouf: This sub project consists of completing the wastewater networks which have been partially executed, by extending the sub and side pipelines, constructing the necessary pumping stations and house connections in order to transport the wastewater from the towns and villages of this area to the treatment plant.
- The Sub Project in El Arkoob: This sub project serves an area which comprises a number of towns, and consists of the construction of a wastewater network comprising of main, secondary, sub and side pipelines, pumping stations and house connections, as well as a number of wastewater treatment plants with all their equipment.
- Consultancy Services and Institutional Support: This component consists of updating and completing studies on some sub projects, preparing their designs and tender documents, supervising the project implementation, as well as preparing any necessary additional studies required to fulfill the project’s objectives. This component also includes the use of experts to assist the project unit in managing the implementation, and institutional support to the Council.
- Land Expropriation: This component includes the acquisition of land required for the execution of the project.
The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 61% of the total project cost. The Lebanese Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.