Twenty-sixth session of the Arab Fund Fellowship Program (AFFP)
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The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development announces the start of accepting applications for the twenty-sixth session of the Arab Fund Fellowship Program (AFFP). Established in December 1997, the Program aims to provide Arab Ph.D. holders in different fields of specialization, who have excellent academic track records, with opportunities to conduct advanced research and/or lecture in high caliber universities around the world. The Program is intended to build bridges and achieve mutual benefits between Arab and foreign universities and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology to Arab countries. Fellowships are open to Arab nationals who are currently working at a university in any of the member countries of the Arab League.
The Fellowship is usually awarded over a period of twelve months, while shorter periods may be considered only in very special cases. The Arab Fund receives applications on a rolling basis throughout the year, and Fellowships begin on dates suggested by the beneficiaries, based on formal invitations received from internationally reputable universities or host institutions. The Fellowship covers travel, health insurance and living costs for the beneficiary and eligible members of his/her family, during the grant period. The deadline for submitting applications and completing all the necessary supporting documents for the 26th cycle is 12/31/2022, any application that is not complete by that date, will be considered among the applications for the following cycle.
For eligibility requirements and submission procedures, please press here.