The Board of Directors, at its meeting no. 3/2021, held on June 21st, 2021, extended the following three grants, amounting to KD 900 thousand:
S.noالرقم التسلسلي | Countryدولة | Loan Amount (KD Million)قيمة القرض (مليون د.ك.) | Project Nameاسم المشروع |
1 | Iraq | 300 | Project to rehabilitate and modernize the Ministry of Finance's Financial and Accounting Center |
2 | Jordan | 500 | Financing several projects selected from the rapid response plan, for the year 2021, that was presented by the Jordanian Government during the donors' meeting, held in Brussels |
3 | Arab Planning Institute | 100 | Contributing to the costs of the Institute's programs and activities, which were included in its workplan for the fiscal year 2020/2021 |