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Home Board Meeting 03/2012
  • Approved Loans

Board Meeting 03/2012

In its meeting No. 1/2012 held on 06/03/2012, the Badir Fund Management Committee approved the following loans:

  • 50 million US Dollar for the People’s Bank of Morocco for the financing of SMEs in the country.
  • 20 million US Dollar for the Deposit and Development Fund in Mauritania for the financing of SMEs in the country.

In addition to the above mentioned loans, the Management Committee took several decisions as follows:

  • Approved the Badir Fund activity report and its financial statements.
  • Approved the Financial Statements and the Independent Auditors report for the period from 18/01/2010 to 31/12/2011.
  • Approved the Standard Guarantee Agreement.
  • Approved the “Letter of Understanding” with member states.
  • Approved some changes on the Standard Loan Agreement.