Authorized Public Sector Loans 31/12/2022 as in - YEMEN (Amounts in thousand KD)
Country : YEMEN
Number Loan No. The Project Sector Year Approved Original Amount Cancelled Amount Net amount
1 614 Public Works (Phase IV) Social Services 2015 10,000 - 10,000
2 613 Rural Roads Development (Phase IV) Transport 2015 30,000 - 30,000
3 612 Al Ghaydah Central Hopital Social Services 2014 6,000 - 6,000
4 606 Infrastructure Development in Sana'a City Other Sectors 2014 30,000 - 30,000
5 597 Rehabilitation and Expansion of Sana'a - Al Hudaydah Road Transport 2013 30,000 - 30,000
6 596 Educational Hospital for Aden University Social Services 2013 18,000 - 18,000
7 594 Reconstruction of Abyan Social Services 2013 10,000 - 10,000
8 589 Sanitary Networks in Sana'a (Phase IV) Water and Sewage 2013 15,000 - 15,000
9 581 Construction of a 60 MW Wind Farm in the Al-Mokha Area Energy 2012 18,000 - 18,000
10 564 Construction of a 2nd Ma'arib Gas-Turbine Power Generating Station and the Expansion of the Transmission Grid- (SECOND LOAN) Energy 2011 43,000 - 43,000
11 563 Dhamar- Al-Husseinya Road Project (Second Loan) Transport 2011 12,000 - 12,000
12 560 Social Fund for Development - Phase IV Social Services 2011 30,000 - 30,000
13 550 Protection of Sana'a City from Floods Other Sectors 2010 7,000 348 6,652
14 541 Major Intersections in Sana'a City (Phase II) Transport 2009 8,000 585 7,415
15 533 Taez International Airport Development Transport 2009 7,000 - 7,000
16 526 Development of Water and Wastewater Facilities in Aden Governorate Water and Sewage 2008 10,000 - 10,000
17 520 Development of the Coastal Road in Aden Governorate Transport 2008 10,000 - 10,000
18 516 Sana'a International Airport Development (Phase II) Transport 2008 47,000 - 47,000
19 508 Agricultural and Fisheries Development in the Hadramout Coastal Area Agriculture 2007 12,000 - 12,000
20 502 Construction of a Second Maarib Gas-Turbine power Generating Station and the Expansion of the Transmission Grid Energy 2007 30,000 - 30,000
21 482 Wastewater Facilities in Seiyoun and Tarim Water and Sewage 2006 15,000 - 15,000
22 480 Social Development Fund - Phase III Social Services 2006 15,000 - 15,000
23 477 Development of Local Communities Social Services 2005 15,000 - 15,000
24 467 Rural Access Roads Transport 2005 26,000 - 26,000
25 463 Completion of Sanitation Networks in Sana'a Water and Sewage 2004 12,000 1,456 10,544
26 453 Major Intersections in Sana'a City Transport 2004 15,000 212 14,788
27 447 Construction of Ma'reb Gas Turbine Generating Station Energy 2004 25,000 469 24,531
28 445 Dhamar - Al-Husseiniya Road Transport 2003 15,000 - 15,000
29 435 Ma'rib - Sana'a Transmission Lines at 400 k.V. and Upgrading the Electrical Grid Energy 2003 30,000 2,416 27,584
30 425 Social Development Fund - Phase II Social Services 2002 15,000 - 15,000
31 411 Sana'a International Airport Development Transport 2001 28,000 18,163 9,837
32 403 Sayhut - Nashtoun Road Transport 2001 26,000 - 26,000
33 383 Sanitation Networks in Sana'a Water and Sewage 1999 18,000 - 18,000
34 357 Wadi Hadramaut Agricultural Development Project (Phase III) Agriculture 1998 4,000 702 3,298
35 350 Social Development Fund Social Services 1998 6,000 - 6,000
36 322 Sana'a Sewerage Treatment Plant Water and Sewage 1996 8,000 1 7,999
37 288 Rehabilitation of Flood-damaged Electricity, Water and Sewerage Facilities in Aden Energy 1994 2,500 23 2,477
38 268 SEA-ME-WE II Submarine Cable Project Telecomm 1992 5,000 1,905 3,095
39 251 Electricity Distribution Network Energy 1992 4,500 146 4,354
40 236 Hojja-Al Khashm Road (Second Loan) Transport 1990 3,000 570 2,430
41 232 Wadi Hadramaut Agricultural Development Project (Phase III) Agriculture 1990 3,300 3,300 0
42 230 Agricultural Credit Agriculture 1990 5,500 8 5,492
43 222 Integrated Rural Development in the Central Highlands Agriculture 1989 3,500 254 3,246
44 220 Al-Mukalla Water Supply Water and Sewage 1988 2,850 20 2,830
45 218 Yemen Power Link Aden-Taiz Energy 1988 10,000 62 9,938
46 217 Yemen Power Link Taiz-Aden Energy 1988 8,600 24 8,576
47 215 Northern Region Agricultural Development Agriculture 1988 3,500 38 3,462
48 211 Zabid-Al Hodeida Road Rehabilitation Transport 1988 2,500 - 2,500
49 205 The FMDC and the FDC - Supplementary Loan Agriculture 1988 1,500 37 1,463
50 204 Lawder-Mukairas Road and Road Maintenance Transport 1988 5,500 113 5,387
51 199 Strengthening Sana'a-Hodeida Road Transport 1987 6,800 - 6,800
52 189 Laboos Water Supply Water and Sewage 1987 4,000 58 3,942
53 188 Aden Water Supply (Supplementary Loan) Water and Sewage 1987 1,000 2 998
54 177 Wadi Jawf Agricultural Development Agriculture 1986 3,100 151 2,949
55 174 Greater Aden Second Water Supply - Second Loan Water and Sewage 1986 2,000 221 1,779
56 173 Electricity Distribution Network (First Loan) Energy 1986 4,200 - 4,200
57 170 Nisab-Beigan Road Transport 1986 4,200 58 4,142
58 161 Aden-Abyan Electrification Scheme Energy 1985 5,900 237 5,663
59 160 Wadi Hajar Agriculture Agriculture 1985 3,500 - 3,500
60 157 Grain Silos Agriculture 1985 8,000 8,000 0
61 152 Mitigation of Earthquake Risks Other Sectors 1984 600 1 599
62 147 Strengthening of Sana'a-Taiz Road Transport 1984 5,600 247 5,353
63 138 Development of Health Institute Social Services 1984 1,100 246 854
64 133 Geological and Water Mapping of Southern Yemen Other Sectors 1984 1,200 211 989
65 132 Geological and Water Mapping of Northern Yemen Other Sectors 1984 1,200 151 1,049
66 131 Seiyoun Regional Water Supply Development (Phase II) Agriculture 1984 3,700 61 3,639
67 127 Seiyoun Regional Water Supply Water and Sewage 1983 2,000 - 2,000
68 126 Rural Development in the Central Highlands Agriculture 1983 3,000 236 2,764
69 125 Dhamar Water Supply and Sewerage (Supplementary Loan) Water and Sewage 1983 3,000 7 2,993
70 124 Fisheries Manpower Centre (FMDC) and the Fisheries Co-operatives (FDC) Agriculture 1983 1,000 - 1,000
71 122 Electric Power III Development (Electrification of Five Towns East of Mukalla) Energy 1983 1,500 - 1,500
72 114 Strengthening of Taiz-Al Mafraq Road Transport 1983 2,100 388 1,712
73 109 Reconstruction of Flood-damaged Roads and Bridges Transport 1983 1,000 - 1,000
74 97 Fifth Pan-Arab Telecommunications (Earth Stations) Telecomm 1982 1,200 - 1,200
75 90 Nashtoun Fisheries Port Transport 1982 3,000 - 3,000
76 88 Potable Water to Rural Areas Water and Sewage 1982 700 80 620
77 87 Potable Water to Rural Areas Water and Sewage 1982 1,500 - 1,500
78 79 Electric Power IV (Al-Mokha Power Station) Energy 1982 4,000 42 3,958
79 69 Third Pan-Arab Telecommunications Telecomm 1981 1,300 - 1,300
80 68 Third Pan-Arab Telecommunications Telecomm 1981 1,400 - 1,400
81 63 Aden Water Supply (First Loan) Water and Sewage 1981 3,500 - 3,500
82 62 Electric Power III (Dhamar-Taiz Transmission Network) Energy 1981 4,700 - 4,700
83 56 Dhamar Water Supply and Sewerage Water and Sewage 1980 3,000 7 2,993
84 53 Wadi Tuban Agricultural Scheme Agriculture 1980 1,900 25 1,875
85 48 Hadramaut Power Energy 1979 4,000 - 4,000
86 37 Sana'a Water Supply Water and Sewage 1977 5,000 91 4,909
87 32 Electric Power II Energy 1977 9,000 - 9,000
88 27 Mukalla Multipurpose (Supplementary Loan) Agriculture 1976 2,600 1,904 696
89 22 Taiz-Aden Road Transport 1976 3,800 - 3,800
90 22 Aden-Taiz Road Transport 1976 6,500 - 6,500
91 13 Hodeida Water Supply and Sewerage Water and Sewage 1975 6,000 727 5,273
92 12 Aden Port Rehabilitation Transport 1975 3,900 - 3,900
93 7 Electric Power I Energy 1974 4,000 - 4,000
94 1 Mukalla Multipurpose Agriculture 1974 3,200 - 3,200
Total 861,650 44,004.64 817,645.36