Extended Grants 31/12/2022 as in - LEBANON (Amounts in thousand KD)
Country : LEBANON
Number Loan No. The Project Sector Year Approved Original Amount Cancelled Amount Net amount
1 63/97 Financing the Government Personnel Training Program in Lebanon Social Services 1997 100 4 96
2 60/2007 Supporting The Reconstruction Of Nahr AL-Bared Camp And The Surounding Areas Social Services 2007 1,384 1,384 0
3 58/2007 Institutional Support For The Schools Of The Social Welfare Institutions Social Services 2007 100 - 100
4 54/2002 Training Programs for the Financial Institute / Finance Ministry Social Services 2002 100 - 100
5 50/2000 Reconstruction Programs in South Lebanon and Al- Bekaa Region Other Sectors 2000 3,000 15 2,985
6 48/2008 Supporting the Reconstruction of Nahr Al-Bared Camp and the Surrounding Areas - Second Grant Social Services 2008 2,653 - 2,653
7 47/93 Supporting the Government Civil Service Training Program Social Services 1993 300 - 300
8 41/2006 Urgent Humanitarian Relief As A Result Of Israeli Agression Energy 2006 3,000 - 3,000
9 40/2008 Contribute to the institutional support of the House hopeful Society Social Services 2008 50 39 11
10 37/2019-DG Salim Al-Hoss Program in Bioethics and Professionalism at the American University Other Sectors 2019 50 - 50
11 36/2003 Establishing a National Data Bank at the Bank of Lebanon Other Sectors 2003 50 50 0
12 36/2019-DG Sanad Palliative Care Association Other Sectors 2019 50 1 49
13 35/2020-DG Financing the resumption of the activities of the Committee of Friends of Social Welfare Institutions - Islamic Orphanage “Ashghaluna” Social Services 2020 30 - 30
14 35/2002 Rehabilitation and Equipping of the Culture Association's Building in Tripoli Other Sectors 2002 30 - 30
15 32/2020 Supporting relief and reconstruction efforts arising from the Beirut Port explosion Other Sectors 2020 2,000 - 2,000
16 32/98 Financing the Updating and Completion of the Feasibility Study on the South Lebanon Irrigation Project Agriculture 1998 300 300 0
17 30/2008 Contribute Towards the Costs of Diagnostic and Therapeutic services Social Services 2008 150 - 150
18 29/2014 Construction Of A Second Building In AL-Islah Secondary School Energy 2014 250 - 250
19 27/2020-DG Scholarship Fund Social Services 2020 50 50 0
20 26/2000 South Lebanon Irrigation Project - Phase I Agriculture 2000 500 500 0
21 26/2001 Establishing and Equipping the National Seismological Network Other Sectors 2001 300 300 0
22 26/2019 Contribute to the cost of purchasing early warning programs and devices in the Risk and Disaster Management Unit at the Presidency of the Council of M Other Sectors 2019 100 100 0
23 26/2020-DG financing of the patient assistance project Social Services 2020 50 - 50
24 25/2010 Consultancy Services for the Preparation of an Executive Plan for the Government Programs Energy 2010 500 - 500
25 24/2014 Achgalouna(Islamic Orphelin Center) Energy 2014 50 - 50
26 24/2011 Contributing to covering the costs of treatment services for children with cancer Energy 2011 200 - 200
27 23/2018 therapeutic services for children with cancer Social Services 2018 200 - 200
28 21/2013 Construction of Charity Buildings Agriculture 2013 70 - 70
29 20/2020-DG supporting activities of association ahlouna Social Services 2020 50 - 50
30 20/2014 Water Treatment In Elderly House In Beyrouth Water and Sewage 2014 100 - 100
31 20/92 Supporting the Government Civil Servants Training Program Social Services 1992 150 - 150
32 19/2012 Construction of Rehabilitation Center in Saida Other Sectors 2012 300 300 0
33 19/90 Appraisal Study of the Development and Reconstruction Council Other Sectors 1990 50 3 47
34 19/2015-DG water treatment project in islamic Hospital Hospice in Beirut Social Services 2015 45 8 37
35 18/2011 Salim Hoss Bioethics and craftsmanship Energy 2011 300 - 300
36 18/2010 Construction and Furnishing of a Rehabilitation Center for Orphans and Disabled Children at Al-Rahma Medical Center Social Services 2010 300 13 287
37 17/2013 Emergency Programs for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Agriculture 2013 3,000 - 3,000
38 17/2014 Improving Information Technology For Science And Math. Social Services 2014 300 300 0
39 16/2020 Contributing to the Patients Solidarity Fund Social Services 2020 100 - 100
40 15/2013 Al-Islah Islamic School - Second Building Construction Social Services 2013 300 - 300
41 15/2010 Rehabilitation and Development of Medical Clinics at the Dar Al-Ajaza Al-Islamia Hospital Hospital (2) 150 15/2010 14/06/2010 Energy 2010 150 - 150
42 15/2018 Second phase of the project of the establishment of the archaeological museum in Sidon-Council for Development and Reconstruction Other Sectors 2018 500 - 500
43 14/95 Supporting the Government Civil Servants Training Program Social Services 1995 150 - 150
44 14/2005 Preparation of the National Development Program 2005-2008 Other Sectors 2005 130 - 130
45 13/2021-DG Contribution to Support the Aman Association for Patient Support to Assist Patients Unable to Afford Treatment in Lebanon and Syrian Refugee Patients Other Sectors 2021 50 - 50
46 12/99 Program for Academic and Curricula Improvement at the Lebanese University Social Services 1999 150 3 147
47 12/2002 Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings in Tripoli Other Sectors 2002 100 5 95
48 11/2019 Contribute to the financing of the project of the acquisition of the linear accelerator device for the treatment of radiation tumors Social Services 2019 300 - 300
49 6/2016 Financing of operations of the infected children for the period from 2016 to 2017 Social Services 2016 200 4 196
50 6/2014-1 Construction Of Orphelin Center In AL-Rahma Complex (Tripoli) Social Services 2014 100 6 94
51 6/2014-2 Construction & Equip. of AL-Rahma Complex For Orphans & Handicaped Children Energy 2014 100 - 100
52 6/2021-DG Contributing to the purchase of intensive care beds for Covid-19 patients Other Sectors 2021 30 - 30
53 5/2014 Covering Surgical Operations Cost For Children (2014-2016) Social Services 2014 300 - 300
54 5/2021-DG Providing medical and psychological assistance to patients suffering from incurable diseases Other Sectors 2021 30 - 30
55 4/10DG05 regional meeting on food security organized by the AUB Energy 2011 5 - 5
56 4/10DG02 Acquisition of an Ambulance for Kariati Association for Growth and Environment Energy 2010 5 - 5
57 3/2011 const. & equip. of a multi-purpose center for the Sea Mosq-sidon Agriculture 2011 500 - 500
58 3/2010 supporting activities of ahlouna society Other Sectors 2010 100 - 100
59 2/2015-DG Islamic Orphans House(Ahgalouna) Energy 2015 20 1 19
60 2/2009 Financing of the project to establish an archaeological museum in Sidon Other Sectors 2009 250 - 250
Total 23,781 3,385.2 20,395.71