Extended Grants 31/12/2022 as in - MOROCCO (Amounts in thousand KD)
Country : MOROCCO
Number Loan No. The Project Sector Year Approved Original Amount Cancelled Amount Net amount
1 611 Irrigation of the Chtouka AIt Baha Region with Desalinated Water Agriculture 2014 50,000 - 50,000
2 556 Dar Khrofa Dam Agriculture 2010 12,000 352 11,648
3 546 Water Supply of Tangier & Tantan Regions Water and Sewage 2010 20,000 - 20,000
4 53/2002 Rehabilitation of the Historic Al-Attarine School in Fes Old City Other Sectors 2002 300 - 300
5 52/86 Feasibility Study of the Pesticides Manufacturing Plant Industry and Mining 1986 100 62 38
6 42/2000 Rehabilitation of the Al-Akhawein University Library Social Services 2000 200 - 200
7 34/2018 Protection of highways Transport 2018 350 - 350
8 33/2004 General Population and Households Census 2004 Social Services 2004 300 6 294
9 32/93 Renovation and Repair of Water and Sewerage Networks in Fes Old City Water and Sewage 1993 300 - 300
10 31/90 Renovation of the Potable Water Mains in Fas Other Sectors 1990 300 - 300
11 25/2019 Solar power generation project in the buildings of the central administration of the Ministry of Economy and Finance Energy 2019 150 - 150
12 24/2000 Financing Small Social Development Projects Social Services 2000 300 8 292
13 23/99 Equipping the Solar Energy Laboratory of the Faculty of Science at Rabat University Energy 1999 30 1 29
14 23/2009 rehabilitation of the local educational institutions Social Services 2010 60 13 47
15 22/92 Roundtable Discussion on the Economic Experience of Southeast Asian Countries Other Sectors 1992 40 - 40
16 20/2007 Student Information Management System in Al Akhawayn University Social Services 2007 200 90 110
17 20/2011 Rehabilitation Of 3 Ancient Buildinds In Rabat Energy 2011 500 500 0
18 18/2005 Study of Public Expenditure Controls Other Sectors 2005 180 - 180
19 17/96 Co-financing Studies to Control Unemployment and Improve Economic and Financial Performance Other Sectors 1996 200 46 154
20 15/2012 Contributing to the completion of the communication and news program to be carried out by the National Fund for Social Reserve Organizations in Morocco. Other Sectors 2012 100 60 40
21 14/2004 Alleviation of the Impact of the North-Central Region Earthquake Transport 2004 500 - 500
22 13/2016-DG integrating solar energy technologies for the development of agricultural Agriculture 2016 40 - 40
23 12/97/1 Development of a Master Plan for the Water Sector Water and Sewage 1997 30 30 0
24 12/2008 The cost of completing the pilot project of solar energy in the city Energy 2008 250 27 223
25 11/2020 Contributing to supporting the fight against the Corona virus by providing urgent needs in the Kingdom of Morocco Other Sectors 2020 1,000 - 1,000
26 10/2001 Drilling Groundwater Wells to Supply Drinking Water in Tanseef Area Water and Sewage 2001 100 7 93
27 9/96 Reconstruction and Repair of the Historical Boundary Walls and Buildings in the Old City of Fez Other Sectors 1996 300 10 290
28 9/2005 Preparation of the Morocco Solar Energy Handbook Energy 2005 20 - 20
29 9/2002 Study for the Modernization and Upgrade of the Financial Services provided by the Moroccan Postal System Telecomm 2002 100 - 100
30 8/99 Supporting Qarawiyeen Library in Fez Social Services 1999 100 8 92
31 7/2010 Supporting Qarawiyeen Library in Fez (Second Phase) Other Sectors 2010 300 300 0
32 6/2007 National Human Development Program Energy 2008 700 89 611
Total 89,050 1,610.28 87,439.72