Extended Grants 31/12/2022 as in - PALESTINE (Amounts in thousand KD)
Number Loan No. The Project Sector Year Approved Original Amount Cancelled Amount Net amount
1 69/2000 Financing the Emergency Program Social Services 2001 3,000 - 3,000
2 64/87 Jerusalem Open University Social Services 1987 150 - 150
3 54/87 College of Science and Technology in Jerusalem Social Services 1987 300 - 300
4 49/90 Construction of Housing in Rafah Social Services 1990 300 20 280
5 49/93 Procurement of Radiology Equipment for Al-Makassed Islamic Charity Society in Jerusalem Social Services 1993 325 - 325
6 49/2000 International Conference on the Historic Buildings of Jerusalem Other Sectors 2000 20 3 17
7 48/84 Supporting ASIR Social Services 1984 160 160 0
8 44/2008 Information and Documentation of the Institute for Palestine Studies Other Sectors 2008 75 - 75
9 44/88/ 1 Handicrafts Training Workshop Society for Girls in Bethlehem Industry and Mining 1988 100 - 100
10 44/88/ 10 Activating Dar Al-Awlad School in Jerusalem Social Services 1988 50 - 50
11 44/88/ 2 Al-Makassed Islamic Charity Society's Hospital in Jerusalem Social Services 1988 200 - 200
12 44/88/ 3 Arab Women's Union in Nablus Social Services 1988 100 - 100
13 44/88/ 4 Constructing and Equipping Medical Centers in the Gaza Strip Social Services 1988 100 - 100
14 44/88/ 5 "Nurses of Love" Hospital in Bethlehem Social Services 1988 50 - 50
15 44/88/ 6 Princess Basma's Organization for Handicapped Boys in Jerusalem Social Services 1988 50 - 50
16 44/88/ 7 Family Planning and Protection Society in Nablus Social Services 1988 50 - 50
17 44/88/ 8 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Ramallah Social Services 1988 100 - 100
18 44/88/ 9 Families Support Society in Al-Bira Social Services 1988 200 - 200
19 43/88/1 Wadi Far'a Irrigation Project Agriculture 1988 650 - 650
20 43/88/2 Wadi Fara'a Irrigation Project Agriculture 1988 500 - 500
21 43/88/3 Activities of the Wadi Fara'a Irrigation Committee Agriculture 1988 500 126 374
22 42/88 Al-Far'a Irrigation Committee's Activities Agriculture 1988 1,350 - 1,350
23 41/87 Study of Citrus Processing in the Gaza Strip Industry and Mining 1987 30 30 0
24 41/89 Handicrafts Training Workshop Society for Girls in Bethlehem Social Services 1989 20 - 20
25 41/99 Equipming and Training of the Software Development Center Telecomm 1999 300 6 294
26 40/86 Arab Construction Project in Ariha (Jericho) Agriculture 1986 500 - 500
27 40/87 Study of the Vocational Training Sector in the Occupied Lands Social Services 1987 30 - 30
28 40/99 Birzeit University's Water Gathering and Distribution Project Water and Sewage 1999 125 - 125
29 39/2000 Completing the "Friends of Patients Society" Building in Tulkaram Social Services 2000 100 - 100
30 39/86 Establishment of a Cloth-making Firm to Train Women in Jerusalem Industry and Mining 1986 130 - 130
31 39/87/ 1 Cottage and Handicraft Industries in the Occupied Territories Industry and Mining 1987 40 - 40
32 39/87/ 2 Cottage and Handicraft Industries in Jerusalem Industry and Mining 1987 50 2 48
33 39/87/ 3 Cottage and Handicraft Industries in Al-Khalil Industry and Mining 1987 30 - 30
34 39/87/ 4 Cottage and Handicraft Industries (Reserve) Industry and Mining 1987 30 27 3
35 38/2000 Completing Mechanical and Electrical Works in the Al-Najah National University, Nablus Social Services 2000 200 2 198
36 37/2006 Supporting The Center For Information And Documentation Of The Institute For Palestinian Studies Energy 2006 100 - 100
37 37/99 Endowment to Support the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute Other Sectors 1999 200 - 200
38 36/2004 Supporting the Palestinian Studies Institute's Information and Documentation Center Other Sectors 2004 150 - 150
39 36/99 Tulkaram Zakat Project Social Services 1999 150 - 150
40 35/82 Training of Palestine University Staff Social Services 1982 150 - 150
41 35/93/ 1 Ateel Cooperative Society for Electricity Provision in Tulkaram Area Energy 1993 40 - 40
42 35/93/ 10 Young Muslim Women's Association in Jerusalem Social Services 1993 25 - 25
43 35/93/ 11 Family Development Charity Society in Beit Sahour Social Services 1993 25 1 24
44 35/93/ 12 Center for the Development and Care of Children with Stroke Social Services 1993 80 13 67
45 35/93/ 13 Mabarrat Al-Rahmah Charity Society for Children Social Services 1993 15 - 15
46 35/93/ 14 Al-Ihsan Charity Society in Al-Khalil Social Services 1993 40 - 40
47 35/93/ 15 Al-Murabitat Women's Charity Association in Qalqiliya Social Services 1993 35 - 35
48 35/93/ 16 National Society to Support Physically Handicapped Children in Gaza Social Services 1993 25 - 25
49 35/93/ 17 "Friends of the Blind" Society in Gaza Social Services 1993 15 - 15
50 35/93/ 18 Family Planning and Protection Society in Nablus Social Services 1993 30 - 30
51 35/93/ 19 Red Crescent Society in Jerusalem (Second Grant) Social Services 1993 110 - 110
52 35/93/ 2 Completing the Electricity Network at Adhna Village in Al-Khalil Province Energy 1993 75 - 75
53 35/93/ 20 Red Crescent Society in Nablus Social Services 1993 120 - 120
54 35/93/ 21 Islamic Alms Committee in Tulkaram Area Social Services 1993 150 - 150
55 35/93/ 22 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Jerusalem Social Services 1993 30 - 30
56 35/93/ 23 "Medical Assistance to Palestinians" Association Social Services 1993 70 - 70
57 35/93/ 24 Hisham Adib Hajjawi Scientific Establishment in Nablus Social Services 1993 150 - 150
58 35/93/ 25 Beit Daqou Village Committee in Ramallah Area Social Services 1993 20 - 20
59 35/93/ 26 Al-Nasr Model Islamic School in Gaza Social Services 1993 60 1 59
60 35/93/ 27 Center for Educated Development at Al-Tuffah District in Gaza Social Services 1993 20 - 20
61 35/93/ 28 Birzeit University Social Services 1993 150 - 150
62 35/93/ 3 Supplying Drinking Water to Kafr Ra'ee Village in Jenin Area Water and Sewage 1993 45 1 44
63 35/93/ 4 Constructing a Water Network at Bal'a Village, Tulkaram Area Water and Sewage 1993 100 - 100
64 35/93/ 5 Developing Al-Raja' Center for the Handicapped in Al-Khalil Social Services 1993 25 1 24
65 35/93/ 6 Society for Relief of the Sick Social Services 1993 25 - 25
66 35/93/ 7 Society for the Care of Martyrs' Children in Aqabet Jabr in Ariha (Jericho) Social Services 1993 75 - 75
67 35/93/ 8 Developing the Typing Center at Association of University Graduates in Al-Khalil Social Services 1993 100 - 100
68 35/93/ 9 Young Christian Women's Association Social Services 1993 25 - 25
69 35/99 Al-Khalil Rehabilitation Project Other Sectors 1999 450 1 449
70 34/90 The Agricultural and Industrial Lending Program Agriculture 1990 500 - 500
71 33/2019 Jerusalem Real Estate wakf Social Services 2019 1,000 - 1,000
72 28/2000 Cooperation Institute Other Sectors 2000 450 - 450
73 27/95 Rehabilitation of Old Al-Khalil (Hebron) City Neighborhoods Other Sectors 1995 500 - 500
74 26/86 Supplying Potable Water for Bethlehem, Beit Jala and Beit Sahour Water and Sewage 1986 300 - 300
75 25/86 College of Science and Technology in Jerusalem Social Services 1986 200 - 200
76 24/81/ 1 Pre-investment Study of the Agricultural Sector Agriculture 1981 180 - 180
77 24/81/ 2 Pre-investment Study of the Industrial Sector Industry and Mining 1981 120 - 120
78 24/87 Families Support Society in Al-Bira Social Services 1987 100 - 100
79 23/87 Completion and Equipping of the Arab Orphan Committee's Hotel Management School Social Services 1987 180 - 180
80 23/2011 A guide in the national directory of the Joint Information and Documentation Center of the Institute for Palestine Studies Energy 2011 30 - 30
81 22/94 Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Old City of Jerusalem Social Services 1994 1,000 - 1,000
82 21/98 Financing the Feasibility Studies for the Marj Sanour Project Agriculture 1998 100 - 100
83 20/98 "Right to Life Association" for Impaired Children, Gaza Social Services 1998 50 - 50
84 19/88/ 1 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Al-Khalil Social Services 1988 100 - 100
85 19/88/ 2 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Nablus Social Services 1988 100 - 100
86 19/88/ 3 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Tulkaram Social Services 1988 100 - 100
87 19/88/ 4 Arab St. Luke's Hospital in Gaza Social Services 1988 50 - 50
88 19/88/ 5 Arab Ahli Hospital in Gaza Social Services 1988 100 - 100
89 19/88/ 6 Islamic Solidarity Clinic in Nablus Social Services 1988 50 - 50
90 19/93/ 1 College of Science and Technology in Khan Younis Social Services 1993 150 5 145
91 19/93/ 2 Coptic Antonian College Social Services 1993 200 - 200
92 19/93/ 3 Kalandiya Refugee Camp Cooperative Society in Ramallah Social Services 1993 100 - 100
93 19/93/ 4 Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Social Services 1993 150 - 150
94 19/93/ 5 "Friends of the Orphans" Islamic Society in Jerusalem Social Services 1993 100 - 100
95 19/98 Supporting The Arab Association in Jericho Agriculture 1998 100 2 98
96 18/89/ 1 Association for Care of the Handicapped in Gaza Social Services 1989 150 - 150
97 18/89/ 2 Social Work Charity Association in Nablus Governorate Social Services 1989 100 - 100
98 18/89/ 3 Association of University Graduates in Al-Khalil Social Services 1989 75 - 75
99 18/89/ 4 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Al-Khalil Social Services 1989 200 - 200
100 18/89/ 5 Arab Women's Union in Bethlehem Social Services 1989 25 - 25
101 18/89/ 6 Red Crescent Society in Tulkaram Social Services 1989 50 - 50
102 18/89/ 7 Arab Children's Home in Nablus Social Services 1989 200 - 200
103 18/89/ 8 Arab Women's Union in Nablus Social Services 1989 150 - 150
104 18/89/ 9 Arab Women's Union in Nablus Social Services 1989 50 - 50
105 16/87/ 1 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Gaza Social Services 1987 100 - 100
106 16/87/ 2 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Jenin Social Services 1987 60 - 60
107 16/87/ 3 Red Crescent Society in Jerusalem Social Services 1987 300 - 300
108 16/87/ 4 Red Crescent Society in Jenin Social Services 1987 150 - 150
109 16/87/ 5 Al-Muttalea Hospital in Jerusalem Social Services 1987 150 - 150
110 16/87/ 6 Princess Basma's Organization for Handicapped Boys in Jerusalem Social Services 1987 60 - 60
111 15/2001 Reconstruction and Maintenance of the Islamic Museum in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem Other Sectors 2001 300 - 300
112 12/91 Jerusalem Electricity Corporation Energy 1991 330 - 330
113 11/97 Credit Lines to Develop Agriculture and Fishing Agriculture 1997 300 - 300
115 10/97/1 Arab Association of the Blind Social Services 1997 15 - 15
116 10/97/2 Nahalin Center for Special Education Social Services 1997 20 - 20
117 10/97/3 Red Crescent Society in Anabta Social Services 1997 25 - 25
118 10/97/4 Makassed Islamic Charity Hospital in Jerusalem Social Services 1997 300 66 234
119 10/97/5 Boys' Home in Jerusalem Social Services 1997 20 - 20
120 10/97/6 Al-Aqsa Secondary Religious School in Jerusalem Social Services 1997 25 7 18
121 10/97/7 Local Rural Development Programs Agriculture 1997 140 - 140
122 9/90/ 1 Handicrafts Training Workshop Society for Girls in Bethlehem Social Services 1990 200 - 200
123 9/90/ 10 Jerusalem Governorate Water Authority - Ramallah Area Water and Sewage 1990 100 - 100
124 9/90/ 11 Health Establishments Charity Association in Nablus and Jenin Areas Social Services 1990 100 - 100
125 9/90/ 12 Anza Charity Association in Jenin Area Social Services 1990 25 - 25
126 9/90/ 13 "Home of the Arab Orphan" Association in Tulkaram Social Services 1990 25 - 25
127 9/90/ 14 Youth Development Charity Association in Sourif, Al-Khalil Area Social Services 1990 25 - 25
128 9/90/ 15 Provision of Publications for Palestinian Universities Social Services 1990 10 - 10
129 9/90/ 2 Palestinian Women's Union in Gaza Social Services 1990 150 - 150
130 9/90/ 3 Arab Women's Union in Jerusalem Social Services 1990 100 - 100
131 9/90/ 4 Red Crescent Society in Nablus Social Services 1990 100 - 100
132 9/90/ 5 Birzeit University Social Services 1990 75 - 75
133 9/90/ 6 Al-Makassed Islamic Charity Association's Hospital in Jerusalem Social Services 1990 100 - 100
134 9/90/ 7 Production of Dairy Products (Zakat Committee in Nablus) Industry and Mining 1990 100 - 100
135 9/90/ 8 Society for Care of the Child and Guidance of the Mother in Nablus Social Services 1990 50 - 50
136 9/90/ 9 Arab Women's Union in Tulkaram Social Services 1990 40 - 40
137 9/95/ 1 Families Support Society in Al-Bira Social Services 1995 100 - 100
138 9/95/ 10 Anza Charity Association in Jenin Area Social Services 1995 25 1 24
139 9/95/ 11 Islamic Alms Committee in Qabatiya, Jenin Area Industry and Mining 1995 100 - 100
140 9/95/ 12 Al-Wafaa Society for Care of the Elderly in Gaza Social Services 1995 60 - 60
141 9/95/ 13 Al-Zaytun Social Center in Gaza Social Services 1995 50 1 49
142 9/95/ 14 Al-Aytam Institute for Orphans in Gaza Social Services 1995 30 - 30
143 9/95/ 15 National Association for Rehabilitation of the Handicapped in Gaza Social Services 1995 50 - 50
144 9/95/ 16 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Gaza Social Services 1995 100 - 100
145 9/95/ 17 Red Crescent Society in Jenin Social Services 1995 150 150 0
146 9/95/ 18 "Friends of the Patient" Association in Al-Khalil Social Services 1995 100 - 100
147 9/95/ 19 Al-Quds University Social Services 1995 100 8 92
148 9/95/ 2 "Friends of the Blind" Society in Al-Bira Social Services 1995 50 - 50
149 9/95/ 20 Coptic Antonian College in Jerusalem Social Services 1995 125 - 125
150 9/95/ 21 College of Science and Technology in Abu Dis, Jerusalem Social Services 1995 100 3 97
151 9/95/ 22 Institute of Applied Research in Bethlehem Agriculture 1995 20 - 20
152 9/95/ 23 Early Childhood Resource Center Social Services 1995 20 - 20
153 9/95/ 24 National Education Committee in Jerusalem Social Services 1995 70 - 70
154 9/95/ 25 Dar Al-Aytam Islamic Industrial School in Jerusalem Social Services 1995 100 - 100
155 9/95/ 26 Anata Reform Committee, Jerusalem Social Services 1995 25 - 25
156 9/95/ 27 Arab Charity Society in Beit Jala Social Services 1995 50 - 50
157 9/95/ 28 Al-Najah National University in Nablus Social Services 1995 100 - 100
158 9/95/ 29 Islamic University in Gaza Social Services 1995 100 - 100
159 9/95/ 3 Al-Khudr Village Reconstruction Committee, Bethlehem Social Services 1995 20 - 20
160 9/95/ 30 College of Islamic Sciences in Qalqiliya Social Services 1995 70 - 70
161 9/95/ 4 Islamic Charity Society in Beit Sahour Social Services 1995 50 1 49
162 9/95/ 5 Arab Women's Union in Beit Sahour Social Services 1995 25 - 25
163 9/95/ 6 Al-Ihsan Charity Society in Al-Khalil Social Services 1995 25 - 25
164 9/95/ 7 Women's Union in Tulkaram Social Services 1995 40 - 40
165 9/95/ 8 Central Blood Bank Charity Society in Tulkaram Social Services 1995 20 2 18
166 9/95/ 9 Red Crescent Society in Jenin Social Services 1995 100 - 100
167 6/98 Patients' Friends Society in Al-Khalil Social Services 1998 50 - 50
168 5/92 Establishment of a Diagnostic Center in Sirda (Ramallah Area) Social Services 1992 400 400 0
169 5/98 Educational and Health Services in the Palestinian Refugee Camps, Lebanon Social Services 1998 150 14 136
170 4/77 Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Palestinian Open University Social Services 1977 120 1 119
171 4/98 Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem University Social Services 1998 400 18 382
172 4/2014 Support To The Inf. And Documentary Palestenian Study Center Energy 2014 30 - 30
173 3/77 Palestine National Fund Other Sectors 1977 70 2 68
174 3/98 Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Social Services 1998 150 - 150
175 1/2009 Covering Cost Of Gaza Reconstruction Other Sectors 2009 2,900 30 2,870
Total 29,575 1,106.51 28,468.49