Extended Grants 31/12/2022 as in - YEMEN (Amounts in thousand KD)
Country : YEMEN
Number Loan No. The Project Sector Year Approved Original Amount Cancelled Amount Net amount
1 562 Key Intersections in Sana'a (Phase III) Transport 2011 10,000 - 10,000
2 545 Rural Roads Development Project - Phase III Transport 2010 15,000 - 15,000
3 61/97 Techno-economic Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design of the Sayhut-Nishtun Road Transport 1997 60 60 0
4 56/79 Geological and Water Mapping of Yemen Agriculture 1979 16 12 4
5 49/2008 Relief Efforts And Reconst. To Prevent The Eff. Of Floods Social Services 2008 1,150 - 1,150
6 49/83 Studies for the Quarrying and Shaping of Marble and Granite Industry and Mining 1983 100 8 92
7 41/2005 Modernization of the Protection and Communications System for the Transmission Network Telecomm 2005 70 - 70
8 39/77 Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Fish Oil Hydro-generation Plant Industry and Mining 1977 10 4 6
9 38/86 Supporting the Public Institute for Telecommunications Telecomm 1986 180 - 180
10 38/2007 Renovation and Rehabilitation of the Grand Mosque in The Old Sanaa (Phase II) Other Sectors 2007 1,000 - 1,000
11 37/2008 Building The Institutional Capacity Other Sectors 2010 500 - 500
12 37/86 Study of the North-South Yemen Power Link Energy 1986 100 - 100
13 37/2000 Feasibility Study for the Rural Development Project in the Northern Areas (Phase II) Agriculture 2000 200 35 165
14 36/85 Studying the Construction of Small Dams Agriculture 1985 220 - 220
15 36/2007 Rehabilitation of AL-SALAM Center for the Disabled Social Services 2007 100 3 97
16 36/2002 Financing the Feasibility Study of the Integrated Rural Development Project in Wadi Hajar, Hadramaut - Phase II Agriculture 2002 70 3 67
17 33/2020 support urgent needs due to the Corona pandemic and flood disasters Other Sectors 2020 1,000 - 1,000
18 31/93 Detailed Design Preparation for the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Sana'a Water and Sewage 1993 130 130 0
19 30/84 Expanded Cultivation in the Lawder-Mukairas Heights Agriculture 1984 75 - 75
20 27/96 Feasibility Study of Mukalla-Say'un-Tarim Road Project Transport 1996 170 6 164
21 25/2005 Implementing the Strategic Plan for Statistics Other Sectors 2005 300 22 278
22 24/97 Financing the Illiteracy Eradication and Adult Education Program Social Services 1997 100 - 100
23 23/81/ 1 Project Preparation: The Vocational Training Institute Social Services 1981 40 - 40
24 23/81/ 2 Project Preparation: The Medical Training Institute Social Services 1981 40 17 23
25 22/81 Study of Wadi Hajar Agricultural Project Agriculture 1981 200 20 180
26 22/2014 Construction Of Training Center In AL-Rahma Institute For Human Dev. Other Sectors 2014 400 - 400
27 22/2017 Providing the urgent needs of centers affiliated with the National Cancer Control Foundation in Yemen Social Services 2017 300 - 300
28 21/2017 Yemen Food Security Program Agriculture 2017 3,000 - 3,000
29 21/2019-DG Urgent Drug Relief for Thalassemia Patients and Genetic Blood-YEMEN Social Services 2019 30 - 30
30 19/2004 Modernization of the Supervision and Control System for the Electrical Network Energy 2004 100 - 100
31 18/2007 Study of the Rehabilitation and Widening of Sanaa-Hodeida Road Project Transport 2007 250 - 250
32 18/93 Study on the Protection Against Flood Damages Agriculture 1993 0 - 0
33 17/2012 Contributing to financing the urgent program to contribute to reducing the damage resulting from the events that the Republic of Yemen went through Other Sectors 2012 2,811 11 2,800
34 15/2021-DG Contribution to Support the Nahda Makers Organization with their Efforts to Participate in Food Security Other Sectors 2021 50 - 50
35 14/2001 Rehabilitation of Sana'a Grand Mosque Other Sectors 2001 500 - 500
36 13/78 Supporting the Irrigation Authority Agriculture 1978 150 8 142
37 13/2015 Reparation of Damaged Houses affected by the war in Aden,Yemen Other Sectors 2016 1,550 - 1,550
38 12/97/3 Development of a Master Plan for the Water Sector Water and Sewage 1997 40 36 4
39 11/2002 Enhancing the Ministry of Planning and Development's Capabilities Other Sectors 2002 200 - 200
40 11/2006 Construction Of Septage Receiving Station In Sana'a Water and Sewage 2006 300 4 296
41 11/2014 Rehabilitation Of Grand Mosquee In Old Sanaa Other Sectors 2014 500 - 500
42 11/2021-DG Contribution to Support the Sustainable Development Foundation to Finance Emergency Aid and Empower the Youth within the Framework of the 2021 – 2025 Plan Other Sectors 2021 30 - 30
43 10/82 Detailed Studies of the Seyhout-Hauf Road Project Transport 1982 300 45 255
44 8/2003 Upgrading of Two Hospitals in Aden and Hodeida Social Services 2003 300 - 300
45 8/2011 sight charity campaign Energy 2011 20 - 20
46 8/2010 Preparation of Studies for the Sanitation Networks in the Old City of Sana'a Water and Sewage 2010 100 - 100
47 8/76/ 2 Survey of Yemen's Natural Resources Agriculture 1976 19 - 19
48 8/81 Studies of Aden, Mukalla, Zengebar and Gaar Sewerage Water and Sewage 1981 135 80 55
49 7/2005 A Study of the Sana'a University Teaching Hospital Project Social Services 2005 200 - 200
50 6/2000 Design of an Advanced Accounting and Financial System for the General Authority for Insurance and Pensions Other Sectors 2000 100 2 98
51 6/77 Feasibility Study of a Telecommunications Project Telecomm 1977 40 40 0
52 6/90 Feasibility Study of the Shuaib Water Supply Project Water and Sewage 1990 130 14 116
53 5/77 Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Fish Oil Hydro-generation Plant Agriculture 1977 20 - 20
54 5/2016 The purchase and distribution of medicines for cancer patients in the Republic of Yemen Social Services 2016 300 - 300
55 4/2022 Supporting the activities of the Hadhramaut Foundation to combat cancer in Yemen Other Sectors 2022 200 - 200
56 3/85 Feasibility Study of Cement-based Products Industry and Mining 1985 60 3 57
57 2/2022 Financing a project to complete the equipment of the Al-Amal Oncology Center in Sana’a Other Sectors 2022 200 - 200
58 1/2011 Rehabilitation of the Great Mosque in old Sana'a(phase3) Agriculture 2011 500 - 500
59 1/77 Supporting the Agricultural Credit Bank Agriculture 1977 100 - 100
Total 43,766 563.79 43,201.81