Islamic Republic of Mauritania

Upgrade of the Power Generation and Transmission Systems in Nouakchott
Loan No: 569 Interest Rate: 2.5 %
Beneficiary: SOMELEC Grace Period: 7 years
Project Cost: KD 65.4 million Maturity: 25 years
Amount of Loan: KD 30.0 million Repayment: 37 semi-annual installments
Date of Board Approval: 2011-12-12 First Installment: 7 years following the first disbursement
Date of Loan Agreement: 2011-12-12 Date of Loan Effectiveness: -


The project aims at upgrading the generation and transmission systems in the city of Nouakchott and the towns connected to it, in order to meet their increasing demand for electric energy and power. This will be accomplished through the construction of a new 120 MW diesel power plant, the rehabilitation of an existing power plant, the construction of transmission lines and substations to connect the new power plant to the transmission network, and the establishment of a system to control the equipment included in the project.


The project, which is expected to be completed by the end of the first half of 2014, includes the construction of a new diesel power plant running on HFO and natural gas, the rehabilitation of Arafat power plant, the construction of 225 kV and 33 kV transmission lines to connect the new power plant to the transmission network, and the establishment of a system to control the new power plant and the transmission lines and substations connected to it. The project also includes consultancy services and institutional support.

  1. New Power Plant: This includes the construction of a new 120 MW power plant, consisting of 7 diesel generators, each rated at 17 MW, along with necessary civil, mechanical and electrical works.
  2. Rehabilitation of Arafat Power Plant: This includes the rehabilitation of the six existing diesel units in Arafat power plant, along with all necessary auxiliary civil, mechanical and electrical works.
  3. Upgrade of Transmission Network: This includes the construction of 225 kV and 33 kV transmission lines and substations in order to connect the new power plant to the transmission grid, along with the establishment of a system to control the new power plant and the transmission lines and substations connected to it.
  4. Consultancy Services: This includes the provision of consultancy services necessary for the review of the designs, the preparation of the tender documents, the award of contracts, the supervision of the works, along with the preparation of a distribution master plan, up to the year 2030, for the city of Nouakchott and its suburbs.
  5. Institutional Support: This includes conducting training for SOMELEC personnel, and the supply and acquisition of computers, printers and systems.


The Arab Fund’s loan covers about 46% of the total project cost. It is expected that the Islamic Development Bank will contribute to the financing of the project with an amount equivalent to about KD 30.0 million. The Mauritanian Government will cover the remaining cost of the project and any additional cost that may arise.